Welcome to the Attendance Office Site
Attendance Specialists: Valerie Nevarez and Martha BerumenNeed to report your student's absence or tardy?Send a detailed email to vhsattendance@aguafria.org
Please leave the following information in the message:
· Student ID#
· Student’s Name (spell last name)
· Parent/Guardian’s name
· Contact phone #
· Reason for absence
Verified Absences
Parents/guardians must verify absences by phone or note (authorized school activities are not absences) within 24 hours of the student’s return to school.
Unverified Absences
Those absences that a parent does not authorize within 24 hours of the student’s return to school OR absences that an administrator has confirmed as unauthorized OR absences that are for other than illness or family emergency are considered unverified.* *As per the Rights and Responsibilities in the Student Handbook as posted on the District website.A student is NOT EXCUSED in the following situations
* Failure to attend school without proper authorization, * Leaving school without signing out through the attendance office, * No parental notification given to the school for the student's absence, * Unauthorized absence from a class, * Missing the school bus.
Attendance Office Procedures
* On the day of the absence, a parent/ legal guardian must notify the school's attendance office within 24 hours. Notes from parent/ guardian will also be accepted within 24 hours. A doctor's note will be accepted at any time.
*Students arriving on campus after the tardy bell rings must report to the attendance office. A late arrival to school may also be excused if a parent calls in, provides a note, or accompanies the student to the attendance office the day of the student is tardy. These excused tardies will be limited to five (5) per semester. All others will be considered unexcused, and students will be sent to tardy sweep.
* Students who have 10 consecutive days of absences in all classes WILL BE DROPPED from school for non-attendance.
*Students who have permission to leave campus during the school day MUST SIGN OUT THROUGH ATTENDANCE before leaving.
*Pursuant to “ARS 15-803B” AFUHSD requires students be in attendance for 90% of classes. Therefore students who have 10 absences (excused or unexcused) may be ineligible for credit.