Millennium High School
"All Students College and Career Ready!"Millennium is a comprehensive High School located in Goodyear, Arizona. It is (1) of (5) High Schools in the Agua Fria Union High School District. Millennium was established in 1999 as a separate high school after serving for several years as Agua Fria North, a campus for Freshman students only. We have seen tremendous growth over the past few years, and have surpassed the 2400 student mark this Fall semester.We pride ourselves on being a sound academic institution with a great track record for preparing students for post-secondary opportunities. We offer a rigorous curriculum and exceptional opportunities for participation in athletics and extra-curricular activities.In the Spring of 2013, Principal Gressett asked Millennium students what values they felt embodied the spirit of Millennium. Millennium students responded with three areas they felt Millennium students excelled.The three areas are:
This Is Millennium - An in-depth look at the standards of Millennium High School starring Millennium's very own.