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The FAFSA Application & FSA ID
The Department of Education is making changes to simplify the FAFSA application process. Due to these changes, the FAFSA application date has been moved from October to December 2023.
The FAFSA application is a two-step process.
Both the student and parent must have a FSA ID. This step can be accomplished at anytime. To get a jump on the FAFSA application process, click here to create your FSA ID.
Please check back periodically to find information about upcoming FAFSA information and assistance with completing the application.
Why should I complete the FAFSA form?
Whether you are planning to attend a 2 or 4 year college/university OR trade school, such as UTI, the FAFSA application is the first step in receiving a Pell Grant and/or Scholarship dollars from the federal government. These are dollars that you do not pay back - FREE MONEY!!!
For instance - If you are eligible to receive a pell grant (2023 - 2024 max allowed is $7,395), you could attend a community college for FREE per year!