• The following are external links we are providing as a courtesy to our students and families.  The inclusion of the external links does not constitute an endorsement or guarantee of the content or views contained therein and should not be construed as such.  We cannot control the content of the sites and thus do not assume responsibility for the content of the sites.


    This website explores the pathways from AZ community colleges to NAU.  



    The ACCUPLACER is used by EMCC and many other community colleges to determine course placement.  This link leads to a free study app available from the College Board.



    Get test dates, times, and locations, as well as study guides to use towards preparation.


    ACT College & Career Readiness

    A free resource designed to assist students learn about themselves, explore careers, prepare/apply to colleges, and pay for college.


    Advanced Placement (AP) Student

    Get general information on the Advanced Placement program, including courses, preparing for the exam, getting your scores and credit/placement information.


    Advanced Placement (AP) Student: College Credit and Placement

    Search for colleges and universities that offer credit or placement for AP scores. As the site indicates, "for the most up-to-date AP credit policy information, be sure to check the institution's website."


    American Indian College Fund



    AmeriCorps is a service-oriented program that provides individuals with work skills, money for education, and an opportunity to help communities and other individuals. Learn about the three AmeriCorps programs on this site.


    Apprenticeships - Arizona Department of Economic Security

    Learn more about what an apprenticeship is as well as view a list of Arizona apprenticeship programs with contact information.

    https://des.az.gov/services/employment/apprenticeship; https://des.az.gov/services/employment/registered-apprenticeship/apprenticeship-job-seekers


    This is a statewide workforce development network.  It provides services and resources to assist those seeking a job in Arizona, including Apprenticeship information.

    https://arizonaatwork.com/; https://arizonaatwork.com/explore-services/apprenticeships 

    Arizona Commission for Post-Secondary Education

    This state site has information on college savings plans, financial aid, student aid, the AZ College & Career Guide, and more.


    Arizona Community Foundation


    Arizona Programs of Study

    Learn more about AZ Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs and planning for your life after high school.


    Arizona Family College Savings Program

    Learn more about Arizona's 529 plan and download a free College Savings Planner.


    Arizona Office of Economic Security

    Learn more about employment trends in Arizona, such as in-demand jobs and wages by occupation.


    Arizona Student Financial Aid Programs

    This site provides information about current financial aid programs to help students successfully pursue an education after high school.


    Arizona Job Connection

    AZ Job Connection is a free, web-based job-matching and labor market information system. AZ Job Connection provides job seekers, employers, and training providers with easy-to-use tools that support a wide range of activities.  If you are an individual looking for a career opportunity, check out the tools and services on this site.


    American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

    This page provides veterinary career and college information and resources for interested students.


    Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)

    The ASVAB is a FREE multiple aptitude test and an interest assessment that can help students with their career planning and exploration. While many students entering the military will need to take the test, it is not just for military-bound students. This is a test that is given at VHS at least once a year.


    Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design

    AICAD is a consortium of art schools in the U.S. and Canada.



    This website is designed to help you plan a transfer from an AZ community college to an AZ university. The site includes a course equivalency guide, exam equivalency guide, Arizona General Education curriculum, major guides, and information on Dual Enrollment.


    Be A Leader Foundation

    Be A Leader Institute High School (BLiH) holds workshops and events designed to support college-bound students. In addition, Senior Boot Camp(SBC) offers one-on-one help with the college application process and applying for colleges.  This site will provide you with information on their workshops and programs for students in 7th grade through college.


    Big Future

    The College Board provides this career and college website that addresses how to get started, find colleges, explore careers, pay for college, getting in to college, and making a plan.


    Bureau of Labor Statistics

    This site offers occupational outlook information such as the fastest growing occupations and occupations projected to have the largest job growth.


    Career One Stop

    A wealth of career and labor market information can be found on this site. Explore careers, salary & benefits, and education & training opportunities as well as search for jobs, learn about resumes & interviewing, and people/places to get help.


    Career One Stop Scholarship Finder

    The U.S. Department of Labor provides this scholarship search engine.


    College Affordability and Transparency Center

    This U.S. Department of Education website looks at college costs and is the central location for College Navigator, College Scorecard, Net Price Calculator, etc.


    College Depot

    College Depot at the Phoenix Public Library offers workshops & events, appointments, financial aid & scholarship information, and more!


    College Goal Arizona:  Pay4CollegeArizona

    This site provides information on understanding and applying for financial aid as well as other resources.


    College Goal Arizona:  College Goal FAFSA

    College Goal Arizona events provide students and their families with FREE help from financial aid professionals in completing the FAFSA. 


    College Navigator

    A college search site brought to you by the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, and National Center for Education Statistics.


    College Scorecard

    This U.S. Department of Education website allows students to search and compare schools to find best fit.


    Colleges That Change Lives

    The College That Change Lives website has links to the member colleges' websites, information on how to do a college search, college costs, misperceptions, and more.


    Common Application

    One admissions application is used by more than 750 colleges/universities.


    Credit Score

    Knowing and understanding your credit score and debt can lead to better financial decisions. This site has a quiz to test your knowledge of credit scores. It tells you the correct answer as you go and gives you a summary report at the conclusion of the quiz.


    CSS / Financial Aid PROFILE

    This form is NOT required by all colleges. However, there are some that require it for their nonfederal financial aid. This site will tell you what colleges, universities, and scholarship programs participate in the program. This application does cost money, so be sure you really need to complete this application before you spend the money.


    Dorrance Scholarship Program

    This local scholarship has grown from supporting 10 students to approximately 150 students at ASU, UA, and NAU.


    Earn to Learn

    Eligible students save $500 and, if admitted to ASU, NAU, or UofA, may be eligible for a $4,000 match from the university.


    Educational Talent Search - TRiO

    Educational Talent Search TRiO is a college access program funded by the Department of Education. For high school students (9th-12th), TRiO can offer SAT/ACT registration assistance, financial aid & scholarship help, campus tours, college admissions information, career planning, job search & interview skills. The Friendly House (113 W. Sherman St., Phoenix) offers a TRiO program.


    Essay / Personal Statement - College Board

    The College Board's Big Future site has a page devoted to writing a college essay. Articles, slideshows, videos from experts are available to help you with this step in the college admission process.


    Exploring College Options

    Exploring College Options is a recruitment program sponsored by the undergraduate admissions offices of five universities: Duke University, Georgetown University, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Stanford University. During the spring or fall of each year, they will visit our state (as well as others). At each event, representatives from each university will provide a brief presentation about their university and answer your questions about college admissions. You will learn what distinguishes one university from another, what competitive colleges look for in the selection process, and what you can do to enhance your college application.


    Federal Student Aid (FSA)

    The U. S. Department of Education's website offers information on preparing for college, types of financial aid, how one qualifies for financial aid, how one applies for aid, and how one should manage their financial aid.


    Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID

    Planning to complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)? You and your parents will need your own FSA ID. The FSA ID serves as your electronic signature and provides access to your personal records. Apply for your FSA ID on this site.



    Financial aid and scholarship information and resources.


    Flinn Scholars Program


    Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

    This is the official site to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This site also has a link to the PIN (Personal Identification Number) Site. Students and parents must both have a PIN to submit the FAFSA.


    Gates Millennium Scholars


    Get My Future

    Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, this site has free online career, training, and job search information/resources for youth.


    Going 2 College

    A college and career exploration site.


    Hundred-Seven, The 

    This site offers a search for academic programs at HBCUs.


    Immigration Legal Resource Center

    You will find information regarding the Dream Act and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) as well as other information on this site.


    JKC Foundation Scholarship

    The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program is an undergraduate scholarship program available to high-achieving high school seniors with financial needs who seek to attend and graduate from the nation's best four-year colleges and universities.


    Job Corps

    Job Corps is a free education and training program for youth (at least 16 years of age). The goal is to learn a career, earn a high school diploma/GED, find a good job and keep the job.


    Khan Academy:  College Admissions


    Major Clarity

    Major Clarity is an online platform that our district uses to assist students with their academic and post-secondary planning.  This is one of the components of our students' Education & Career Action Plan (ECAP) which is required in the state of AZ for high school students.


    MALDEF Scholarship Resource Guide and Information

    MALDEF is a civil rights organization that offers a Scholarship Resource Guide for high school, college, and graduate students; and a Law School Scholarship Program for law students.


    Mapping Your Future

    Mapping Your Future provides information on careers, colleges, financial aid, and financial literacy information and services for students, families, and schools.


    Maricopa Community Colleges

    Maricopa County's ten community colleges and two skills centers are represented on this site along with information on financial aid, university transfers, and careers.



    Brought to you by ASU, this college and career readiness tool allows you to explore potential careers, related majors, and learn what you need to do next.


    National Association for College Admission Counseling:  College Fairs

    Information on National College Fairs, Performing and Visual Arts College Fairs, and STEM College and Career Fairs. 


    National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA)

    Find out about NAIA athletics, including specific college programs and eligibility requirements.


    National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA):  Eligibility Center


    National Catholic College Admission Association

    On this site, you can search for the Catholic colleges and universities that are member institutions in this association. Their site indicates that they are "committed to promoting the value of Catholic higher education and to serving students in the transition to college."


    National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

    This NCAA website includes information on Division I, II, III athletics, academics, the Sports Science Institute, and more.


    National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA):  Eligibility Center

    Plan to participate in college athletics at Division I, II, or III schools, then you need to view this site. Students in the Class of 2016 and beyond will have new requirements, so look over the site now so you are not caught off-guard.


    National Honor Society:  #Futuready

    This NHS site is designed to help you get ready for your future.  It has information and videos on goal setting, time management, self-management, exploring careers, and mastering interviews.


    National Immigration Law Center

    The education portion of this site has information on accessing education, including scholarships and other ways to fund your education, as well as information on the Dream Act.


    Net Price Calculator

    Net price calculators are available on a college’s or university’s website and allow prospective students to enter information about themselves to find out what students like them paid to attend the institution in the previous year, after taking grants and scholarship aid into account.



    O*Net Online is a site that helps with finding occupations you might be interested in and also "crosswalks" with apprenticeships, DOT, education, military, and more.


    Occupational Outlook Handbook

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics maintains this publication and site. You can search for occupations by average pay, number of new jobs projected, entry-level education required, projected growth rate, and on-the-job training. Hundreds of occupations are listed with information about what people in the job do, what the work environment is like, how you get into the occupation, what you could expect for pay and more.


    PepsiCo Cesar Chavez Latino Scholarship Fund



    The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) site has general information regarding the exam, including the type of questions that are on the exam.


    Quest Bridge

    QuestBridge is a non-profit organization that works with high-achieving, low-income students. They have two programs: College Prep Scholarship (juniors) and National College Match (seniors). The goal is to assist students gain admission and full scholarships to their partner colleges.



    Raise.me offers students a chance to earn micro-scholarships throughout high school (starting in 9th grade) for doing things that best prepare them for success (for example, good grades, volunteerism, joining a club, etc.)



    Get all the test dates, times, and locations, as well as useful study guides to use towards preparation.


    Scholarship and Financial Aid Scams

    The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) offers information regarding scholarship and financial aid scams, including hints in recognizing a scam and resources to report a scam.


    Scholarships A-Z

    This site lists scholarships that are open to students regardless of your immigration status.


    Selective Service System

    Males ages 18-25 are required by law to register with the Selective Service. This is the site at which you can register.


    Senior "Launch" Guide - AZ Gear Up

    AZ GEAR UP developed the Senior “Launch” Guide to help high school seniors navigate the many unfamiliar steps required senior year to ‘launch’ successfully into their chosen life after graduation. The Guide includes clear, concise checklists for students based on a postsecondary plan (4-year university, 2+2 transfer plan, community college, technical school, military or workforce). The Guide also includes helpful information and forms for completing the FAFSA, applying for scholarships and jobs, selecting and applying to colleges, and more.


    Start Now! (AZ)

    This website serves as a guide for college preparation information specific to Arizona's three public universities (ASU, NAU, and UofA). The site has 3 minute videos which can be used with a class, by a family or individually. The site is divided into three sections: Begin to Prepare, Start to Apply, and Find Money to Pay.




    Scholarships for "highly motivated undocumented students who want to get a college education but are unable to afford the cost.  



    United Negro College Fund



    U.S. Air Force

    Official website of the United States Air Force


    U.S. Air Force Academy


    U.S. Army

    Official website of the United States Army


    U.S. Coast Guard

    Official website for the U.S. Coast Guard


    U.S. Coast Guard Academy


    U.S. Department of Education: College Affordability and Transparency Center

    College Scorecard, College Navigator, and Net Price Calculator are just a few of the tools on this site designed to help you with the college selection process and cost.


    U.S. Marines


    U.S. Military Academy West Point


    U.S. National Guard


    U.S. Naval Academy


    U.S. Navy


    U.S. Space Force



    West-MEC (Western Maricopa Education Center) is a public school district focused solely on innovative Career & Technical Education programs that empower students to enter the workforce and pursue lifelong learning. AFUHSD partners with West-MEC so our students have the opportunity to attend a West-MEC program.


    Western Apprenticeship Coordinators Association of Arizona

    "Learning & Earning" is how apprenticeship programs are known. Once selected for a program, you are partnered with an experienced tradesman (journeyman) to learn the trade, in addition to taking courses specific to your trade. Learn more by clicking this link.


    Western Undergraduate Exchange

    This program allows you to request a reduced tuition rate of 150% of resident tuition at participating two-year and four-year colleges outside of Arizona.


    White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities

    This US Department of Education website outlines the qualifications to be considered an HBCU as well as a link to the HBCUs. 
