Be a Partner in Education

  • AFUHSD believes that a dynamic program of Student Activities is vital to the educational development of its students. Club and class experiences are designed to help satisfy the recreational, social, and extended academic needs and interests of all students. A comprehensive and balanced activities program is an essential complement to the basic program of instruction and the District believes that the opportunity for participation in a wide variety of student selected activities is a vital part of the student's educational experience. Participation in these activities provides students with a lifetime basis for personal values for work and leisure activities and carries with it responsibilities to the school, activity, student body, community, and students themselves. The programs provide opportunities for youth to further develop interests, talents, and leadership opportunities in Athletics, Fine Arts, and Academic related areas.

    The links below will take you directly to a fundraising page for the program. If you would like to make a tax credit donation to one of our other extracurricular programs, please visit our Tax Credit Donation page