Career & Technical Education

  • Career and Technical Education programs are about providing students with choices and skills needed for their future. CTE classes address the specific program standards and reinforce the academic standards embedded across the CTE curriculum. Students are provided with learning in a contextual, problem solving format as needed for a variety of post secondary options. The focus is to prepare students to continue their education in college, community college, industry certification, or enter the workplace. Strong academic skills, blended with relevant career and technical curriculum, will lead to viable career paths.

    Career and Technical Student Organizations are related to specific CTE program areas and provide students with the opportunity to learn leadership skills, problem solve with adults and compete in specific technical skills. Each program has an identified CTSO.

    The Agua Fria District is a member of the joint vocational technical education district, West MEC. West MEC provides leadership and additional resources for the district CTE programs. They also offer programs off the Agua Fria Union High School District school campuses for students to attend.