Agua Fria Union High School District has transitioned to an electronic bidding system to receive solicitations. Please click the “Bids & Contract Opportunities” button below to get more information about registering through OpenGov and receive notification of future solicitation opportunities with the district.
If you have questions, please email Sarah Moreno, Procurement Coordinator at smoreno@aguafria.org.
Purchasing Department
The Agua Fria Union High School District Purchasing Department handles procurement of supplies, materials, and services for the District. The hours of operation are 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The district requires vendors to complete a Vendor Registration Form, and W-9 form to register with the District. The forms can be obtained through the attachment below or can be mailed or faxed to the vendor upon request. These documents do not put the vendor on the District bid list. Adding vendors to the District bid list must be done through the Procurement Portal (OpenGov). Please be certain that your vendor information is updated on a continual basis.
All requests for proposals and sealed bids are advertised through Business Services on the OpenGov website. Requests for proposals or bid packages can be obtained by registering on the OpenGov website. If you have questions, please contact Sarah Moreno, Procurement Coordinator. The Agua Fria Union High School District adheres to all Arizona State Procurement Code requirements and follows competitive purchasing practices. We are committed to spending taxpayer dollars in the most cost-effective manner. We closely scrutinize orders for products and services to insure value. Board policies prohibit vendors from soliciting at the district and school sites without prior approval by the Superintendent. Board policy also prohibits any gifts from vendors.
For more information, please contact Sarah Moreno at smoreno@aguafria.org