Frequently Asked Questions

  • I noticed that on my property tax bill that just came out this month that the amount I am paying for the Agua Fria bond went up by a few dollars. Why did this happen, and will my rate increase if the District Bond measure is successful?

  • What will happen if the critical needs bond is not approved?

  • What is a bond?

  • What is an override?

  • What are Bonds and Overrides?

  • Why are Bonds and Overrides Important?

  • So how do bonds and overrides come to be?

  • What is the difference between an override and a bond and why do they require voter approval?

  • Does The Agua Fria District currently have an override in place and what does it fund?

  • What amount is the Agua Fria High School District asking for? How will it impact taxes?

  • How can I calculate my property taxes?

  • My overall property tax bill went down this year even though my property value went up. Why did this happen?