• The following guidelines are an effort to comply with Maricopa County Health Code the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) federal guidelines and the Arizona Nutrition Standards.

    Food Truck/Vendor
    Utilizing a food truck/vendor for any event, including food fundraisers must be an approved vendor. Utilizing a food truck/vendor for a food fundraiser on campus, during school hours, the following must be completed:

    1. The food truck/vendor must only provide Smart Snack compliant food/beverage products.

    2. If the food truck/vendor does not offer Smart Snack compliant food/beverage products, the club/group/booster must complete all Classroom/Holiday/Non-Holiday Exempt forms and submit to AFUHSD Food Service Department a minimum of 10 days in advance of the event.

    3. The food truck/vendor CANNOT be parked and/or serving within the site's cafeteria, courtyard, den, cafe serving areas. This includes any indoor/outdoor seating areas adjacent to the sites cafeteria, courtyard, den, cafe.

    There are mandatory safety guidelines regarding food and beverages being served/offered on campus, during school hours established by Maricopa County.

    The county has strict regulations about food being prepared in residential kitchens and served/offered on campus. It is not allowed. All food brought onto campuses to be served/offered must originate from certified kitchens, commercial institutions or commercial food service stores.

    The following guidelines will assist in this process:

    - All foods served/offered must originate from an approved kitchen or institution approved by the Maricopa County Health Department.
    Examples would be products prepared at a supermarket bakery, a retail location or from a commercial restaurant. For example, cupcakes prepared at home are not an approved item to be served to students.
    - All food served/offered is delivered at the proper temperature and non-wrapped food (open food) is served by a certified Food Protection Manager.
    - All food served/offered is being consumed within a reasonable time and is maintained at a proper temperature.

    2017 FDA Food Code

    Maricopa County Environmental Services has adopted the 2017 FDA Food Code that states: "The Person In Charge (PIC) shall be a Certified Food Protection Manager. A PIC must be present during all hours of operation"

    The following guidelines will assist in this process:

    - Any time open food (hotdogs, burgers, pizza, nachos, etc) are being served/offered on campus, there must be a PIC who is a Certified Food Protection Manager present at all times.
    - This includes all concession stands, classroom parties, rewards, incentives, food fundraisers, team dinners, etc.
    - This regulation must be followed any time open food is served/offered on campus, including non school hours, evening and weekends.