Canyon View High School

  • Phone:623-932-7600
  • 6024 N. Perryville Road Waddell, AZ 85355
  • School Website
  • Athletics Website
  • Canyon View High School is the newest high school in the Agua Fria Union High School District, located at the foot of the beautiful White Tank Mountains, in Waddell, Arizona. Canyon View offers a comprehensive curriculum focused on STEM concepts and Career and Technical Education pathways. Canyon View offers students a career pathway focus comprised of rigorous courses and opportunities for college credits via dual enrollment and Advanced Placement.

    Learning experiences will focus on a “project” or “problem” based, collaborative learning model with individualized instruction provided in small learning communities with a comprehensive view of programming and curriculum that fosters opportunities for success for all students. CVHS offers career pathways in agriculture, coding, computer programming, television and film production, graphic design, health sciences and marketing.

  • Leading Canyon View High School (CVHS) and managing its growth is Mrs. Lyn Reid, principal. “Canyon View High School is unlike any other campus in the country,” remarked Principal Reid. “What sets Canyon View apart is our commitment to providing authentic learning experiences for all students. You can see this in the way our campus was designed and how educators engage with students in learning.” Since its founding in 2018, Canyon View has been in the national spotlight for its uniqueness. 

Principal Lyn Reidl

CVHS campus picture

The Jaguar Way

  • "Culture starts with a vision, and the vision for Canyon View is student-centric learning that transfers ownership of the classroom to the school,” said Principal Reid. “Every indoor or outdoor space is a place for socializing, movement, gathering, performing, and creating as a community of learners."

  • In addition to providing a flexible, state-of-the-art campus, Canyon View has developed a stellar reputation for its STEM-focused academic opportunities, championship-level athletics, extracurricular programs and career pathways. Those career pathways include film and tv, graphic design, medical sciences, agriculture, coding/computer science, marketing, and the visual/performing arts.

CVHS campus picture

  • These programs are so popular, the school draws students from across the West Valley. Principal Reid proudly noted that “when a student steps foot onto the Canyon View campus they are excited to be part of something different and extraordinary. As educators, we feed off that positive energy to create a world-class learning experience for all our students.”

CVHS campus picture