• Tenet Details

    Having the support, input and accountability from the community is critical to ensuring we can successfully build the best academic programs, develop a quality workforce pipeline, and build character through service. In order to achieve excellence, there has to be a shared responsibility between the District, parents, businesses and community members to educate our students.


  • 1A ENGAGEMENT Engage with stakeholders by hosting more community events and offering accessible information for all.
  • 1B Internships Increase the number of community partners interested in hosting internships for District students to train the future workforce.
  • 1C COMMUNITY SUPPORT Increase the number of community partners interested in providing (manpower, funding, resources, etc.) to our schools, so we can further develop students as leaders in innovation and create the best high school district in the nation.
  • 1D SERVICE LEARNING Increase the number of service learning opportunities for all District students to cultivate character and produce the next generation of citizens who will continue to contribute to society.

Progress Tracker

      Action Items 2024-25SY

      En espanol